We are a family business that wants to produce the best puppies we possibly can. We have some of the best lines in Canada! Show dog quality and grand champion lines. We work together out of three different homes.
All puppies sold will come with current shots appropriate to their age. A shot and vet exam history is included with each puppy and vet exam record. No puppy will be replaced that fails to have the proper veterinary care. All vet visits must be recorded. Guarantee starts with the date of the buyer having possession of the puppy.
If your puppy develops a condition that dates back to the fetal stage and this condition would severely impact the quality of life short of euthanasia; you will receive a replacement puppy. These conditions include HEART, KIDNEY, LIVER, HIPS and EYES from date of the puppy’s birth. No other conditions are covered in this contract. Hernias are not included in this warranty.
If you are going to become a dog owner, you will have to familiarize yourself to the symptoms of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is often seen in young puppies, most of the time the symptoms can be controlled by eating, or by giving some glucose such as honey or sugar water to the puppy. Glucose is what the body uses as fuel and is necessary for the brain tissue and muscles to function. Hypoglycemia is when the blood sugar levels (Glucose) fall well below normal. It can cause your puppy to become confused, disorientated, drowsy, have the shivers, stagger about, collapse, fall into a coma, or have seizures. Episodes of hypoglycemia often occur without warning. A puppy may be stressed by shipping, or a missed meal, being chilled or even exhaustion from too much play. Because of their tiny size, puppies cannot eat a lot at a time, and literally run out of fuel quickly. Puppies should be fed several times a day a high-quality diet. Our puppies are fed 5-star dog food and either dry or wet. Most puppies will outgrow the problem. Some very tiny dogs continue to have bouts throughout their life. If your puppy experiences bouts of hypoglycemia, it is important to restore the blood levels of glucose as quickly as possible. If your puppy is conscious, give him/her a little White Karro Syrup or Honey under its tongue, or rubbed on it’s gums. Do not pour into the mouth as the puppy could choke. You can also mix honey or corn syrup with depilate, stir to dissolve, and dribble it into the puppy’s mouth. Nutrical also works extremely well in an emergency. The puppy should begin to improve within about ten minutes, if not, contact your vet as quickly as you can.
NOTE: Breeder is not responsible for Hypoglycemia.
Death: In- case of death, a necropsy stating the cause of death would be required before a replacement puppy. No money is ever refunded for any reason unless papers are for a Necropsy that states that the pup had liver or kidney problems.
This contract is for the person purchasing the puppy. It is null and void if transferred to another person.
In the event that this guarantee is exercised it would be subject to the availability of another litter as we will not over breed our girls for any reason. It could take up to one full year from the date we are notified through a letter/email from a licensed veterinarian to include the required tests explaining and proving the medical problems and defining them as a direct genetic link to our breeding program for heart, kidney or liver only. The replacement will be up to the breeder (breeder’s choice). If the same gender puppy is not available, then if agreeable to both parties, then the buyer must wait for the first available gender puppy to be born for their replacement. (Replacements must be taken from the next available litter, choosing not to will forfeit all monies paid and guarantees signed by both parties) There are no exceptions to this for any reason. Diseases not mentioned are not covered by this warranty and are not grounds for dispute. It is the sole responsibility of the new puppy owner to treat the puppy for all and any medical conditions that arise from the date the said puppy is in the care of the new owner thereafter. Any and all other conditions that may arise in this said puppy are solely the responsibility of the new owner and cannot hold the hold the breeder responsible financially for anything in regards to the puppy the owner has received. If you feel like you have received an unhealthy puppy that has heart, kidney or liver problems it is mandatory that we receive a document from your vet stating the problem and test results of any and all problems that prove what health issues have arisen. We do not accept professional opinions without conclusive test results and must include a full blood panel to back up the vet’s opinion. It is mandatory that all tests results accompany all and any results that are the basis for the puppy being said to be unhealthy from heart, kidney and liver problems.
The breeder does not guarantee adult size, color or temperament. The new owner agrees that the breeder is not responsible for any or all vet or medical bills or any financial bills incurred by this said puppy immediately on the date the puppy is in the new owner’s care and from that date forward.
All Hernias:
(Never had hernias in puppies) All hernia repairs do not warrant replacement puppy as it is not life threatening and in no way interferes with the quality of life of the puppy. This contract supersedes any and all previous agreements. All puppies MUST remain on a regular vet’s schedule determined by the vet and up to date on shots at all times.
Dear Past And Future Puppy Owners
I loved them first. I thought of you years before you even realized. I planned for and cared about your puppy long before you started thinking of adding to your family. I worried about your future with that puppy before you knew there would be one.
There were hours upon hours spent researching lines for the parents of your puppy. Going over breeder after breeder, choosing not only my pet but looking for a dog that will make you your pet. Worrying if you'd be happy, if I had chosen correctly and your puppy would grow up healthy and happy. Going over puppy after puppy with fellow breeders, running over my program with as many knowledgeable breeders as I can, determined to not miss anything. Tracing lines back as far as I could, learning the ins and outs not only for my knowledge but so that I was informed, prepared to go over every detail with you, to answer the questions that sometimes you don't even ask.
Then there's years of watching your puppy's parents grow. Loving them and enjoying them as part of my family. Taking them every where I can, training them, socializing them, watching how they fill out. Asking myself if I had made the right choice in both of them. Scrutinizing their conformation, how they move, and their temperament. There was the stress of health testing. Praying not only that my puppies were healthy but that they had the genes to make your puppy healthy.
Finally came the time to put your puppies parents together. For the next 63 days I worried, I obsessed, I grew excited. I watched your puppy's mom like a hawk. Making sure my girl was ok, monitoring her diet better than I do my own. Concerned that she was getting enough of the right nutrients and that your growing puppy was getting the best start possible. I spent hours on the couch, floor, and dog bed with her watching her tummy grow and anxiously waiting. As your puppy and mine grew I laid my hands on her tummy and felt the first movements of your puppy. As the time grew close I spent most nights in the nursery with her. Making sure she didn't go into labor without me knowing, in case something went wrong and one of our puppies needed help. When labor started my whole life stopped. I spent every second with her. Your puppy was born into my hands and I held my breath as I cleaned them up, watching for movement and breathing, checking them over, and wondering if you'd love them as much as I already did. I helped your puppy's brother when mom got tired and he was stuck. I cried when your puppy's sister didn't make it.
For the first 12 weeks most of my life was filled with your puppy. Watching them grow and making sure I was doing everything possible to make sure they started their lives the right way. Making sure each one was getting enough to eat, enough socialization time, that they were de-wormed and given their shots. I was the first person they saw when they opened their eyes. I spent my weeks playing with them and keeping them safe.
I searched for you and interviewed you. As you spoke I tried to read your character. Would you love them as much as I do? Would you bring them in as part of your family? Would you care for this tiny life that I brought into this world that I am responsible for? Some of you were turned away but some of you were welcomed into our family. The day you took your puppy home was harder than I'd ever let on. I was excited for you but I was also terrified. Had I chosen correctly? Were you who you seemed to be?
My love and worry didn't end there. I thought about your puppy regularly, saddened when I didn't get updates, ecstatic when I did. I hoped you were caring for your puppy the way I care for mine. I answered your questions happily and answered them again just as happily to your puppy's siblings new owners. When your puppy's sister ate a couch I stayed up that night she was at the vets, waiting to hear that she was ok. When their brothers owners decided he no longer fit in their life I welcomed him home, sorry that I had chosen wrong for him and promised him it wouldn't happen again.
I loved your puppy first and I will never stop.
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